Flags, Rifles, Sabres etc... enter a solo, duo or group video today!
Just $10 per routine - Winners receive cash prizes!
In this event we are looking for routines choreographed to own choice of music utilizing flags, rifles, sabers, etc. demonstrating variety and difficulty with perfection and unison.
Movements should interpret music and blend all of the elements to a theme while choreographing floor coverage (if possible) and patterns with precision.
In teams - group and partner sequences, alignments, spacing, and dynamic effects should all be incorporated elements with proper technique.
All You Need To Know...
Entry Fee
$10 per routine submitted.
We accept:
- Professional Video
Routine has been filmed (either by a professional or spectator) in a performance setting.
- Home Video
Routine has been filmed at home or in an alternative setting. These will generally be with less space and/or alternative flooring.
- Solo
- Duo
- Group A (3-5 members)
- Group B (6-10 members)
- Group C (11+ members)
Music / Timings
3-5 minutes performance time​
Music is own choice. Timing begins with first note of music and ends with last note.
Age Class Divisions
- Junior (0-13)
- Senior (14-18)
- Open (19+)
(Age is oldest member)